Stuff People Ask Often (FAQ)

Registration FAQ:

Q: When does registration open?

A: January 10 at 10am. Click here to register.

Q: Do I register my camper for the session matching the grade they are going into or the grade they are completing?

A: The grade the are completing. For example, if your camper is in 8th grade before camp starts and 9th grade after camp ends, register them for a Middle School grade session. It can be confusing because the registration system we use asks for your camper's grade in the FALL, but please register them for the grade they will complete before summer camp. We know this is confusing and we're working with our software provider to address it.  Sorry :-(

Q: I'm in the registration system and I'm not seeing the sessions for my kiddo's grade group.

A: You probably entered the grade your camper is in now instead of the one they are going into in the fall. It's not your fault. The system is kind of confusing (see above Q&A). To fix it, just go to your ACCOUNT page on the toolbar, click on your child's name, and click EDIT MY BIO INFORMATION.

Q: My camper wants to sign up for a grade-level group above or below his or her actual grade-level group. Can we do this?

A: No. Our camps are designed to be age-appropriate. That means if we have children who are too old or too young in a session, it can necessitate individualized adjustments by our camp staff to meet everyone's needs. This can diminish the camp experience for all kids. Your camper will have a ball in their own age group. There will be fun friends in every session.

Q: The session that works best for us is full. If we sign up for the waiting list, what are the chances we'll get in?

A: While there are no guarantees you will get in, we do recommend getting on the waiting list. Each year we have campers whose plans change and they need to withdraw or switch sessions. When that happens, you'll want to be on the list. Ultimately, the most important thing is getting to camp, so our best recommendation is to just sign up for the week with availability. 

Q: My kiddo wants to go to the same session as their friend from last year, but we don't have that camper's contact info to ask them which session they are going to. Can you tell us which session someone is going to be in?

A: We can help you find out. Give us a call and let us know the other camper's name. We'll reach out to that family and give them your contact info. That way everyone's privacy is protected and you can still make plans together!

Hesitant Parent FAQ:

Q: We just heard about Gales Creek Camp and are interested in joining the fun. However, we'd like to see the place first. Our camper is too old for Family Camp. Is there another way we can visit camp before committing?

A: Yes! A very good time to visit camp, get a tour, meet our staff and other families is during the Open House event.  Lunch is included. Arrive around noon. It's best if you sign up so we know how much food to prepare. The Open House is part of Camp Cleanup and Open House Day. You are welcome to volunteer for the cleanup part, but it's in no way required or expected.

Q: Is this some kind of "diabetes boot camp?"

A: Far from it! Campers may learn something about managing their diabetes, but that's just part of the natural ecology of camp. Every day campers get the opportunity to see how  their peers and mentors do diabetes successfully. They will see how others manage diabetes, sometimes in ways that are different from how your camper does it, and that can open new pathways to their own success. It's far more about peer-to-peer learning than it is about formal instruction, although our medical team members and providers are always there to seize upon teaching moments, answer a million questions, and demonstrate the mechanics of diabetes self-care as needed.

Q: My camper hasn't spent much time away from home and might be nervous to sleep over at camp. Can parents stay overnight, too?

A: No. Other than family camps, our camps are just for kids! Part of the summer camp experience for children is discovering their own inner strength and independence. Our camp staff are trained in "nervous and homesick." Give your camper a chance. If your child finds they just aren't ready to stay the whole week, we'll give you a call and decide what to do together.

Follow-up Q: Can I come visit every day?

A: No. Sorry. But that's an awesome question!

Q: My camper went to family camp last year and loved it. But I'm not sure they are ready for the regular week-long camp. Can we do overnight family camp a second time?

A: No. Overnight family camp is the last step before your camper goes on to regular camp. Remember, part of camp is about growing toward independence. Give them a chance to try it out. Also, because family camp is always full, we don't want anyone to miss out on their first opportunity.

Session FAQ:

Q: How long is a camp session?

A: Our regular resident camps are one week long, starting Sunday afternoon and going through Friday morning (there is also a 4-night option for the Elementary School grades). Campers are eligible for resident camps in the summer following 2nd grade. We have weekend family camps for kids coming out of kindergarten and 1st grade.

Q: Where can I find a packing list for my camper? 

A: Right here! A packing list is also included in the confirmation email received after registration and in the physical Parent Handbook that you will receive in the mail about a week and a half prior to your camp week. 

Q: My camper has some dietary restrictions. How is that handled?

A: Each week we see many campers with special dietary needs. About 10% of our campers live with celiac, so gluten free diets are the most common, but we also see kiddos with allergies and other restrictions. You can let us know what needs your camper has when you register, then you'll discuss it again with our dietitian on check in day at camp.  While we do not have separate kitchen facilities to prepare special diets, our staff is trained in safe food handling and cross-contamination practices, including separate cutting boards and serving utensils. Gales Creek Camp only serves peanut free foods. 

Q: My camper LOVES camp and wants to attend two sessions in one summer. Is this possible?

A: Typically, no. Because camps are often full, we want to make sure every child gets a chance to attend at least once a summer. During some summers, we've had additional capacity in certain sessions, so we have allowed campers to come for a second week. Depending on capacity and other factors, we may be able to offer this opportunity again. We'll let families know a week or two before their camp if the opportunity arises.

Follow-up Q: Can my camper come again next summer?

A: Definitely. In fact, if your camper doesn't come back we're going to take it personally. Just kidding. But, seriously, we expect campers to come back every year! Studies show that summer camp is especially good at building independence and self-care skills when a camper returns year after year. It's all about reinforcement and peer-practice!

Q: What if we're signed up for camp but my camper gets sick just before our week?

A: Be our hero and please never bring a sick kiddo to camp. Campers live very close together and we don't want to spread anything. If you need to cancel due to illness, we will make it easy for you. Just let us know as soon as possible and if there are open spots in any other eligible session, we can move your camper. If there are no other available sessions, you will get a full refund and we will still send your camper their t-shirt and swag.

Diabetes Technology FAQ:

Financial FAQ:

Q: Right now, financially we're not able to send our child with T1D to camp. What are our options?

A: We got you. Ensuring camp fees do not prohibit any child with type 1 diabetes from attending camp is a top priority of Gales Creek Camp Foundation. Financial aid is always available to help with camper fees. Click here to lean all about it.  If you ever have any questions or need help with this, please email or call us. We are here to help you get your camper to Gales Creek Camp! Do not give up before you have talked to us.

Q: Transportation might be a problem for us. Do you have a bus or something?

A: No bus, but maybe we can help! Give us an email or a call and we'll talk about your specific situation. Most of the time we can solve this problem.

Q: My camper doesn't have a sleeping bag and/or other "camping gear" they might need, and we're not sure we can afford that stuff right now. Any options?

A: No problem. We can get you a sleeping bag and pretty much any other camping, toiletry or clothing items they might need. Let us know ahead of time what you might need and we'll have a pack of stuff discretely waiting for your camper when they arrive. If you don't know what a camper will need, here's a starting point.


Q: Are there COVID requirement for 2024?

A: At this time, there are no longer any special requirements related to COVID-19. GCC's Medical Committee monitors general infections disease conditions, including COVID-19, in our region as we develop our summer mitigation protocols. We will keep parents informed of any changes, and you can check back here for up-to-date information.

Please note: while there is no COVID-19 vaccination requirement, all regular childhood immunizations are still required to attend camp, as has always been our policy.

Q: Will there be testing, masking, or distancing requirements for 2024?

A: We will not be testing for COVID-19 upon arrival. If any camper or staff member exhibits symptoms consistent with COVID-19 during camp, they may be tested. Beyond that, GCC's Medical Committee will continue to monitor infectious disease conditions and follow state guidelines and mandates. Depending on conditions during the summer, nonpharmaceutical interventions may be implemented, including testing, masking, distancing, and routine sanitizing. 

We are very much looking forward to seeing ALL our campers this year!